Sunday, June 20, 2010

Save the Dates

Do you know that your phone is made out of :-
  • 45% plastic
  • 20% copper
  • 10% ceramics
  • 5% non-metals
  • 20% other metals like aluminium & gold
and all of the materials in your mobile phone can be recovered and used to generate energy or make new products from musical instruments, to gold rings, to park benches and lots more!

And since now you know a little basics of what you're phone are made of, aren't you curious on how a phone is recycled and where to recycle it?

No worries! All you need to do is save these dates : 3rd – 5th August 2010 and head on down over to College Hall, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Main Campus, KL and all your questions will be answered. Plus, there'll be many exciting and fun games, performances and brand new Nokia phones to be won!

So what ya' waiting for?!

